
The Benefits of Cloud-Based Test Automation Tools

There is little doubt that cloudy is the weather pattern of choice in the digital world nowadays.

The flexibility and scalability of the cloud has moved computing into new realms of what is possible. While we are closer to infinite storage now than we were five years ago with static hardware computing devices, more importance than ever is being placed on software that is robust, making quality-control with software testingeven more necessary.

No matter what testing methodology you use, you know it is possible to find ways to automate the tests once the company’s specifications and platform are established. Software has advanced, the various tools have also grown and expanded, yet it has become easier to conduct test automation across all phases of the build-out of a software platform.

With the majority of software now moving into the cloud, it makes sense that your test automation tools move there as well. However, perhaps you have done well with your current automation tools, and perhaps you are able to make software for the cloud and test it with no issues. Why change?

When it comes to software testing and testing automation tools, it never hurts to have your testing platform and your software platform at the same plane. Bugs could show up when you least expect it if software is based on the cloud and the testing tools are not. It’s like testing street tires off-road. You can’t get a fair evaluation of the tires if they’re being used in a way they were not designed and built for.

If you have not considered using cloud-based testing automation tools, consider these benefits:

  • Time off for IT. Your IT guys will get a break. They don’t have to worry about silly things like credentialing users on and off, or dealing with licenses or user agreements or the like. The testing tool is in the cloud, ready to be accessed by anyone in your company right away. And IT doesn’t have to deal with finding a place to “store” the tools where the most people can access them.
  • Be quick, but don’t hurry. The words of John Wooden ring true here. You can access the software automation tools quickly from the cloud, and you don’t have any time limit or other restrictions. You can quickly get to the tests you need and do them thoroughly, taking the time to avoid missing anything. You can run tests after hours or from home if need be.
  • Fairness and justice. Like the tire example above, if you are testing software for various mobile devices, you can’t test iOS software on an Android or Windows platform and expect it to work. Being in the cloud and not are two different environments, and having your testing automation tools in the cloud will create synergy between the software that has to work in the cloud and how it is being tested in the cloud. Tests are far more fair and accurate.
  • Expanding the team. How much better would testing automation be if there were testers around the globe who could access the same automation tools and give feedback? Now the testing doesn’t have to be confined to the engineers at headquarters; the concept of collaboration takes place, with no or little added cost.
  • The financial bottom line. As cloud computing is cost-effective in the long run for companies, the same is said for software test automation tools. Over time, the tools will pay for themselves quickly, which will make every member of the C-suite happy.
  • In situ testing. With test automation tools on the same plane and in the same environment as the software itself, the concept of virtualization lays a key role. It’s easier to test in real-time, “real-life” scenarios to see how the software responds, rather than in a “lab” setting. Why use a petri dish when you can go into the street and see how it will really work?

If you have questions about cloud-based automation tools, we have your answers. If you have problems, we have solutions. Let Solution-Soft help you improve your software testing automation processes and make them faster, more efficient and more accurate than what has been possible before.