
How Exactly Does Time Shift Testing Work?

Business rely on applications and software more than ever today. With so many effective, efficient cloud-based platforms allowing companies to perform a huge range of processes online, having as much control over applications’ functions is vital. Technical complications and errors can lead to huge issues, delaying work and setting schedules back, possibly even causing financial problems.

Using time shift testing and virtual clock software are just one way to identify potential flaws in various applications. Solution-Soft’s Time Machine software empowers businesses with the freedom to time-travel their applications forward or backward, performing numerous critical tests.

The Freedom of Time Travel

The software testing tool’s virtual clock software enables testing on application logic which is time and date sensitive. Such tasks as year-end financial processing, policy life-cycles, and more can all be assessed to ensure proper performance. With that in mind, how does time shift testing and virtual clock software work?

They intercept date and time calls from an application, and provide a specific time and date from the virtual clock in return, allowing the app to perform as it actually would at the set point. The clock’s speed can also be adjusted, set at normal, frozen, or accelerated / decelerated rates. Time may be set to run at as much as 1000 times quicker or slower than real time, to suit your exact needs.

Once Time Machine is installed and set-up, applications can be time-traveled within a matter of seconds. Companies can use virtual clocks to run testing across numerous different applications, with as many as 20,000 programmable clocks available.

To make sure your standard system operations continue unaffected, exclusion lists give businesses the freedom to specifiy which programs should remain untouched.

A Simple, Cost-Effective Solution

You can use Time Machine’s time shift testing to make sure projects are actually finished on-time and to standard. This is a critical aspect of running a successful business: too many delays caused by even minor technical errors can prove costly.

Rather than having to wait days or weeks to reach a certain point to make sure an application works as it should, you can simply wind time on to check its performance.

This application testing software has no effect on your main system clock either, so there is no need to worry about causing irreparable damage to your operations. Various testers from across your team can also conduct research on numerous different areas using multiple virtual clocks, maximizing the efficiency of their work.

Time Machine is used by thousands of clients across the globe, proving essential to almost half of the Fortune 100 businesses, and our partners include such household names as Microsoft and IBM.

We understand application testing software is a complex area, so if you want to know more, feel free to get in touch with our expert team. You also take advantage of a free Time Machine proof-of-concept, to explore the advantages it offers your company.