
Community Outreach: Second-Harvest Food Bank

Community Outreach

At Solution-Soft, employees play an active role in Bay Area community outreach. Since the company’s beginnings, we always understood the importance of employee participation in community events. By supporting local volun­teer and donation initiatives we help shape the future of our local communities and continue to encourage posi­tive change and growth in our own company and society as a whole. See our recent volunteer programs below:

Second Harvest Food Bank:

Solution Soft’s collaboration with Second Harvest Food bank addresses the issue of hunger and malnutrition throughout the Bay Area. Our volunteers work to distribute and sort food with Second Harvest to provide for low income families and those in need. Solution Soft employees, family, and friends join together to help contrib­ute and change their community in a significant and positive manner. In 2016, Solution Soft had provided over 200 Thanksgiving meals as part of the annual Second Harvest Thanksgiving program.

 “We’re always thrilled to help! Every year we come to volunteer and  everyone really enjoys giving back.”

                                                                     – Kathy Dewitt

Second Harvest Food Bank is one of the largest food banks in the nation. The organization provides food to more than one quarter of a million people every month the Food Bank through a network of more than 320 non­profit partners at more than 850 sites.

Sacred Heart Community:

Solution Soft continues to donate and volunteer in other local centers as well. In 2015, Solution Soft worked with Sacred Heart Community to contribute to their bike and toy donation programs. This program was a success as Solution Soft employees helped donate and sort out approximately 100 bikes and 200 toys.

  “Giving back is important to who we are. Our staff is both passionate about their work as well as helping the community.”

                                                                    – Margaret Wang

Sacred Heart is a non-profit organization with the ultimate vision of building a community free from poverty by creating hope, opportunity, and action. Sacred Heart provides essential services, work together to improve our lives, advocate for justice, and inspiring the community to love, serve, and share.