"Thanks especially to the Solution-Soft team for your responsiveness - it was much appreciated."
George Jansen
Project Management
National Australia Bank

"Not using Time Machine has created a huge mess in new implementations. For all new projects moving forward Time Machine will be used as a standard for our testing requirements, ultimately this will satisfy our clients' needs."
Andrew Strain
Infrastructure Service Delivery Lead
Accenture UK/Largest UK Government/p>

“We can accelerate a months’ worth of processing in a week, or years’ worth of processing in a matter of months or however long is needed to test month end output, reports and year end output and reports. We can also clear out data, reload and retest if necessary. The flexibility is very helpful given the importance of validating that the system is working properly and prevents post go-live production issues.”
Sr. Network Administrator
One of the Largest Insurance Companies in Washington State Learn More

"As a longtime customer enjoying how Time Machine streamlines and saves costs on our critical testing during multiple project deployments, I'd like to add my thanks for Solution-Soft's support team's prompt response. Your invaluable help was very much appreciated especially since these issues have caused us quite a bit of grief during our Siebel application testing."
Environment Lead
Test Environments
One of the Four Pillars in Australia Learn More

"Universal Credit project is an extremely complex environment involving many groups and testing is always under a time crunch. It's a great challenge to coordinate between groups for critical testing phases/cases and we are very pleased that Time Machine delivered on its promise of saving time and expense with future date testing our mission critical application. In addition, Solution-Soft's team provided exceptional levels of support."
Project Manager
One of the Largest UK Government Entities Learn More

“We went with Time Machine [to solve issue with time shift testing scripts] and it has been working very well for us. We have the ability to change the date/time across all the components specific to an environment. Executing time/shifts, troubleshooting issues, deployments etc. has been very smooth. We are currently using Time Machine in three Test Environments and One Development Environment, and are very happy with the current setup."
Project Manager
Largest North Carolina Government Agency Learn More

"Time Machine a powerful enabler for testing time dependent logic in a controlled and more importantly safe manner.  We sense a genuine desire from our account manager through to the support team to make our needs a priority.  In the end it feels like they are an extension to our team." *
Shaun Lee Roberts
DWP Development Architecture

“Not only has iMcKesson saved hardware costs, but we also have reduced support and administrative spending that would normally accompany the purchase of additional hardware.”
Kirk Dahl
Database Administration

“The quick turnaround time from Solution-Soft… is indicative of the professional and consistent service that Solution-Soft has been providing us on an ongoing basis, which in turn has helped us to deliver and meet our clients requirements in a timely manner.”
Rahul Joshi
Information Analyst
EDS Australia

“As a member of Avanade’s delivery team, I would not hesitate to involve Solution-Soft in other testing schedules and look forward to working with them in the future.”
Simon Bradbury
Client Consultant

“I was impressed and pleased with the whole experience of using Time Machine to accomplish the date simulation for our testing.”
Vince D’Angelo
Validation Service Manager

“We have Time Machine in use in our test environment. Our test Midas environment is dependent on services running on a test IBM mainframe. The problem is that this mainframe is lagging behind in time so we need to adjust our test banking application on Midas, to run the same date, in order to fully test all functionality in the banking application. I can confirm that Time Machine has performed as expected and we are pleased with it.” *
Senior Infrastructure Specialist
Large Swedish Bank

“Time Machine has been a great complement to our collections projects, as it helps our customers to reduce time to ROI and allows us to have great confidence in our testing cycles.”
Daniel Bowles
Senior Director of Business Development

“I am very pleased to see that my customer ICS loved the solution and that Solution-Soft provided a superb service. I am looking forward to making Time Machine available to our customer base.
Wolfgang Rehberger

“The Time Machine software enables the software users to perform tests that would otherwise be almost impossible to perform based on Microsoft’s Active Directory and the limited window of time available to perform each series of tests needed to be completed to determine the solution.”
WIC Software Program Developer

“The addition of Solution-Soft to the CBA strengthens our strategy of offering customers the widest possible array of technologies that support an application server computing environment.”
Garry Olah
Partner and Developer Relations
Citrix Systems

“There aren’t many products that really offer what Time Machine does in such a reliable fashion. [Time Machine] solves the key problem of…allowing multiple test environments to be hosted on a single set of hardware to reduce hardware and software costs significantly…as well as significantly enabling test cycles to be executed more efficiently and more quickly by allowing the time to be changed.”
Jason Stewart Clark
Sr. Manager & Chief Technical Assistant

“In all my years, your software was really the best I've ever seen in its kind.”
System Architect

“Red Hat container certification assures a supportable and performant platform for all types of customer deployment models. Red Hat is thrilled to work with software partners like Solution-Soft, resulting in the world’s largest commercial ecosystem for containers.”
Mike Werner
Senior Director
Global Technology Partner at Red Hat

"Membership in the ACSM Consortium will allow Solution-Soft to easily expand its storage market opportunities by combining our IDO solutions with those of other partner members. This program, developed to create an integrated management solution for the entire storage platform will provide a significant value-add to all ACSM members and their customers."
Dave Leone
Vice president

“e-Space allows us to manage our customers’ disk space more effectively while reducing the cost of storage. In most environments, the addition of hardware must be scheduled during small windows allotted for change that usually fall on weekends when user activity is minimal. e-Space allows an intermediate solution so that neither we nor our customers are placed in an emergency or failure mode. Also important for us is the faster backups, and increasingly faster transmissions across networks.”
Scott Pierson
Sr. Computer Scientist
Computer Sciences Corporation

"We find that most of our customers have a combination of UNIX systems as well as Windows-based systems. Our strategy is to provide complete storage management solutions and they must encompass both operating environments. SafeCapacity is the best UNIX-based product that we have found to work with Infinistore and it allows us to deliver a single, shared, low-cost storage platform to our larger customers."
Andy Richards
Grau Data Storage

"The advanced capacity protection and management automation features of Solution-Soft’s SafeCapacity solution makes it a perfect fit with IPStor, we’ve named it C.O.D. or Capacity-on-demand. Many of our IPStor customers are very exciting about the unique capability of automatic expansion of Veritas file systems based on policies.''
Reijane Huai

"[SafeCapacity, formerly called e-Space] has allowed us to store some static databases on-line as opposed to [off-line} stores and restores. On our test systems, it has allowed us to perform on-line backup and restores faster without operator intervention. With the addition of [SafeCapacity, formerly called e-Space], we are more responsive to our application group’s needs, providing faster and more accurate restores by storing the databases online and doing disk to disk restores."
Tom Trebino
Systems Administrator

* = testimonials with an asterisk appear in multiple categories