“I like the car analogy for Time Machine. We, British Gas, have the car, great engine and top technology, all is there for our projects, but without the tires, Time Machine, we can’t go very fast.”
Vijay Dwarakanath <
Environment Delivery & Support Team Manager
Quality Assurance & Control
British Gas

“Our client, one of the largest gas trading companies, is very happy with Time Machine. Without it, it would have been extremely cumbersome, resource intensive, and costly to do the same type of SAP application testing and certification.”
James Fish
Basic Consultant
On-site SAP

“Without Time Machine, the process was inefficient, required the involvement of multiple teams, took much too long to administer a simple date and time change and we were limited to 2 or 3 databases per system. Now we run more databases on the same number of servers with more testing cycles and the entire process is easier to administer, freeing up everyone’s time.”
Network Administrator
Large Utility Software Corporation in Washington State Learn More

“Using Time Machine, Telstra was able to test all the scenarios of their SAP R/3 upgraded release in the allotted project time, while saving money on system administrator resources.”
Pooven Govender
SAP BASIS Team Deloitte Consulting

“The Time Machine software has significantly increased our testing productivity for changes we make to our billing system. It’s saved us countless hours. What Time Machine does, it does very, very well.”
Jackson Wong
Customer Systems Business Analyst
City West Water

“I have proven to myself that a SafeVelocity client to SafeVelocity server transfer is faster than standard FTP and does not require additional compress/decompress time at both end as would be necessary when transmitting GZIP data. That is to say you don’t compress anything beforehand; you let SV do it on the fly at both ends…You guys are head and shoulders above every other product I am doing throughput testing with (for uncompressed data) and no other product comes close to meeting our worldwide transfer needs.”
John Chivian
Staff Software Engineer

* = testimonials with an asterisk appear in multiple categories